Day 2

So another day in the books. I did not get as far as I wanted on Sunday, and was only able to spend a couple of hours on it tonight. I desaturated some of the intensely bright card backgrounds, and added an audio slider to manage the background volume. Created the shop and added a wallet, so now you need money for cards. You can also see the kind of "central" screen, what I'm calling the "FLGS". You might notice it looks very different from everything else, and that's because I'm increasingly lazy as I tire. This is where you'll see your competetion for the tournament and can go to trade them, as well as kick off the tournament.

I've been thinking about card generation, both from a "name" standpoint and the art. I remembered Markov Chains exist, and I should be able to write a pretty quick Markov singleton. Markov Chains, for the uninitiated, are a system where you build a network of things, and express how likely you are to go from one thing to the next. If you feed it sentences, it can build a network of how likely one word follows another. To generate names you can then pick a random starting word (using the frequencies that that word comes first), then randomly pick a word that follows it, using the likelihood you found, until eventually you move to "finished."  I would just need a source for the names. Cards from magic, yu-gi-oh, or similar seems obvious, but also a copyright nightmare. On the other hand, you need enough entries to get some truly novel things out, and possibly a filter to make sure I don't accidentally spit out source names. Especially if they're sourced from something legitimate and not just a feverish writing spree.

For card art, I want to shout out Fenreliania for inspiring me with their face generation. That might be more work than I can handle, but it's an awesome system.

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Version 3 Mar 09, 2021

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